Monday, July 28, 2008

And we made Him in our image...

I think one of the reasons why we have a hard time "spending time" with God is that we have made God to look like us and let's be honest, sometimes who wants to spend time with us? For example, let's say that you aren't the best friend. When a friend of yours is in need, you know that sometimes you're there for them and sometimes, well, something just comes up or you just feel weak and choose not to help them out. This may be from a ton of psychological or sociological reasons (or genetical if you're into genetics), your mom bathed you too long or didn't hug you enough, etc. No matter the reason, it seems that we cannot picture Someone who is not like us. Someone who has the ability to be faithful. Someone who has the ability to love you no matter what. Someone who doesn't judge you for your appearance or background. Someone who is very encouraging and thinks your idea is good.

I tell you what, I want to be around that person! Problem is, I have trouble not picturing God like myself as well. How many times have we said "Well, if I was God I would have..." when we saw that flood or typhoon on TV. In other words, in all of your wisdom God should be like...such and such...

Here's our problem, God is not like such and such. We have an inner voice I believe that tells us what God is like (made in the image of God, Holy Spirit, conscience) and we have the Bible. I have a tough time with some things the Bible is absolute on, but I have to allow it to speak about who its God is and allow that to transform my imagined God. This isn't so easy. Man, it would be sweet to not have a God like me!

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