Friday, February 06, 2009


For the next week or so I'm going to be blogging about some of the things that I believe are critical for the Church's success in our time. Not only do we have your typical generational gaps to deal with but you add in a paradigm shift and you have a church that doesn't fit the identity of it's members. It's like going to a baseball game listening to the organ and wondering if they'll still play those same songs in 100 years when kids won't even know what an organ is. We are going to need some changes, not tweaks (as is the generational gap custom), and some beliefs that we will need to hold dear. I hope to present a number of possible beliefs for the church. My hope is that people will respond with comments and questions that will allow for a running dialogue. I also hope that this spurns your relationship with God and belief that a relative community of believers is possible, even inevitable. May God bless this time.


Unknown said...

Sounds good. Bring it on.

Jenilyn said...

I am looking forward to reading your thoughts, Robbie.

(That's a long, drawn-out way of saying what the Chases just said)

I will also look forward to discussing some of your thoughts over lunch at Cane's with the gang.